The following is a website.

Please do not confuse us with, or WE are the true pseudo.


Inspector General President D. Eisenhower notices a trend

In case you missed it, The National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2011 pdf, 5.6 megs.
a bargain at $633 billion per annum. Please feel free to take a free copy of this document. You pay/paid for it.
Article on 2013 spending bill. "$552.1 billion for the regular military budget and $80.7 billion for the war in Afghanistan and other overseas contingency operations"
2011 examples:

F/A-18E Super Hornet US Navy fighter plane, air to air missile and laser-guided bombs , total program cost $57.8 billion
F-22 Raptor Air Force jet, stealthy, carries two 1000 pound bombs , total program cost $79.2 billion
Virginia Class submarine, US Navy, 38 different weapons , total program cost $83.7 billion
DDG 51 Destroyer, US Navy, 332 person crew, carries tomahawk missiles , total program cost $101.8 billion
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, stealthy, top speed 1,199 mph = Mach 1.6, total program cost $326.5 billion
source: Dec. 20 2013 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. military had a budget of $670 billion in 2013. With that money they've developed an arsenal of stuff.

FLASH!! August 13, 2018, President Trump Signs $717 billion Fiscal 2019 Defense Authorization Act According to, Here's what you win!

The act sets active duty end strength for the Army at 487,500 in fiscal 2019, which begins Oct. 1, 2018. The Navy's end strength is set at 335,400, the Marine Corps' at 186,100 and the Air Force's at 329,100.
On the acquisition side, the act funds 77 F-35 joint strike fighters at $7.6 billion. It also funds F-35 spares, modifications and depot repair capability. The budget also fully funds development of the B-21 bomber.
The act authorizes $24.1 billion for shipbuilding to fully fund 13 new battle force ships and accelerate funding for several future ships. This includes three Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and two Virginia-class submarines. There is also $1.6 billion for three littoral combat ships.
In addition, the act authorizes 24 F/A-18 Super Hornets, 10 P-8A Poseidons, two KC-130J Hercules, 25 AH-1Z Cobras, seven MV-22/CMV-22B Ospreys and three MQ-4 Tritons.
Afghanistan, Iraq. There is $5.2 billion in the budget for the Afghanistan Security Forces Fund, and another $850 million to train and equip Iraqi security forces to counter Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terrorists.
The budget accelerates research on hyperspace technology and defense against hyperspace missiles. It also funds development of artificial intelligence capabilities.
"Our foreign competitors and adversaries ... leadership in space...." .... "We'll be catching them very shortly," he added. "They want to jam transmissions, which threaten our battlefield operations and so many other things. We will be so far ahead of them in a very short period of time, your head will spin." ... He said the Chinese military has launched a new military division to oversee its warfighting programs in space.

" . . . your head will spin." He speaks from personal experience.


2009 or so. Thanks to NBC News. DOJ White Paper: Killing of US Citizens by US Government They remade the rules so they don't break the rules.

"... would not violate the Constitution. The paper also includes an analysis concluding that such an operation would not violate certain criminal provisions prohibiting the killing of U.S. nationals outside the United States; nor would it consititute either the commission of a war crime or an assassination prohibited by Executive Order 12333."

Not just Eisenhower. Truman in editorial in Washington Post, Dec. 22, 1963, warns of CIA mission creep. "It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government." at World Socialist web site on the w w w

USSPACECOM.Vision.for.2020.pdf If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear.

Stopping killer robots, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.`

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be tweeted when our robot killers do their work. "Real-time and historical data about every reported United States drone strike."

These powerful visualizations show the scope of the us drone war 2013 . "Did we just kill a kid?"

Pain continues after war for American drone pilot; Dreams in Infrared: The Woes of an American Drone Operator

15 People Going To A Wedding In Yemen Killed By US Drone Strike December 12, 2013. , more on CIA drone strikes.


in progress

DOD: Terrorism Information Awareness, Dec. 2003 DOD Inspector General. ( see also history by N. Gogol)

"To report fraud, waste, or abuse, contact the Defense Hotline by calling (800) 424-9098; by sending an electronic message to ; or by writing to the Defense Hotline, The Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1900. The identity of each writer and caller is fully protected."


Intelligence Activities, Senate Resolution 21: Hearings Before the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities of the United States Senate, Ninety-Fourth Congress, First Session (7 volumes; Washington: GPO, 1976), by United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee) page images at

Thanks to the Media 8, who removed documents from the FBI office in Media, PA, 1971, revealing COINTELPRO. fbi-1971-burglary-hold-government-accountable . Thanks to Washington Post for being first to publish the facts. The burglars have made a full confession, January 7, 2013.
see also , NYT video story "Stealing J. Edgar Hoover's secrets"


Rare Events, "specifically ... catastrophic terrorist events", and probability thereof, from a group of rare intellectuals, known as JASON. Released October 2009. Wikipedia: JASON_(advisory_group).       Federation of American Scientists: collection of unclassified JASON reports.

Active Shooter, New York City Police Department. very 2012.
Direct from those who have a "monopoly on legitimate violence".

Statement of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic on the Boston terrorist attack 2013 April. S/he forgot to mention there are no kangaroos in Austria. ...immigrant evades police ...


coming soon... ("soon")
Where the hell are Hell's Bibliophiles ?
Take a break from all this crap, travel to somewhere over the rainbow

2008 or so, updated 2018.08