"a website devoted to disseminating information and policy analyses regarding U.S. national security issues."

The Heritage Foundation
Publications Library

National Security: Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism
3/29/96 The Challenge of Revolutionary Iran by James A. Phillips . (Committee Brief #24)
9/7/95 The Voice of America: Don't Silence America's Voice in the Global Marketplace of Ideas by Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. and Thomas G. Moore. (Backgrounder #1052)
4/26/95 Combatting Terrorism In The Wake Of The Oklahoma City Bombing by James A. Phillips. (Executive Memorandum #410.)
2/22/95 After the World Trade Center Bombing, U.S. Needs Stronger Anti-Terrorism Policy by James A. Phillips. (Backgrounder Update #240)
10/6/94 The Changing Face of Middle Eastern Terrorism by James A. Phillips. (Backgrounder #1005)
By James A Phillips
The Heritage Foundation Executive Memorandum #410 April 26, 1995.
Although the Administration has singled out Iran as the world's most dangerous state sponsor of terrorism, it has not succeeded in persuading its allies, particularly Japan and Germany, to levy economic sanctions against Tehran. This is partly because, while imports of Iranian oil remain prohibited, the Clinton Administration has allowed American oil companies to become Iran's biggest customers, buying about $4.2 billion dollars of Iranian oil annually to supply their overseas markets. This business-as-usual approach undermines American diplomatic efforts to isolate Iran and raise the cost of its continued support of terrorism. copyright 1995 Persimmon IT, Inc

By Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., Ph.D. President, The Heritage Foundation
Thomas G. Moore Deputy Director of Defense and Foreign Policy Studies Backgrounder #1052 September 7, 1995

In the modern world, information dissemination and content have become indispensable instruments of state power. Information is no longer neutral; it has "strategic" value, as recent history demonstrates. In the victory of America and the West over Soviet Communism, military power kept the "Evil Empire" contained. But it was ideas and information, not bombs and bullets, that ultimately brought the Soviet edifice crumbling down.

... Perhaps it is self-evident, but in this era of dramatic global change it bears repeating that human behavior is determined by what one believes. There is a flow to history and culture; and its wellspring is the inner life of the mind -- thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs, and the passions they engender. This is especially true of the corporate actions of men and women, such as political decisions.

In this part of the world where America has had to fight to defend its vital interests, VOA gives an accurate picture of a free society which respects all religions and treats Islam respectfully, reporting, for example, that Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States.


VOA embodies the importance of democratic culture and shared values, not just raw economic interests or military power, as a basis for international relations. America has a natural advantage in promoting U.S. interests and values in the world, unlike dictatorships which have to lie, since most people aspire to the values America represents.

The importance of moral leadership in the world by precept, by reasoning, and by sharing information is vital. It enables America to shape the world without having to use heavy-handed, intrusive means. Broadcasting America's values and views to 100 million people in critical areas of the globe for $395 million per year is money well spent, and a bargain at the price.


... Impose a heavy regulatory burden on U.S. businesses. There are over 7,700 production facilities in the U.S. that may be subject to CWC-related reporting and inspection requirements. The direct cost to business could be as high as $200 million annually, while indirect costs could run into billions of dollars a year.
Increase the risk of proliferation of chemical weapons. Article XI of the CWC requires cooperation among nations in the peaceful uses of chemicals. In many respects, this provision resembles the 1950s Atoms for Peace arrangement to foster the peaceful uses of nuclear power. This is the approach to arms control and trade that has been used to justify Russia's sale of nuclear reactors to Iran. The last thing the world needs is a "Poison for Peace" program that helps spread chemical weapons around the world, as the Atoms for Peace did for nuclear reactors to Iran and North Korea. The chief lobbying group for the chemical industry, the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA), supports ratification of the CWC, and the prospect for increased sales of dangerous chemicals to countries like Iran may be the reason why. CMA member companies that produce and export chemicals would be subject to stricter limits on exports if the U.S. does not ratify the CWC. It would be sad indeed if the CMA were putting its own economic interest ahead of the nation's security in supporting ratification.

Chick publications

This book blows away the ecumenical smoke so you can see the truth...

Many Christians are joining the ecumenical movement, thinking God has ordained it to bring all Christians into unity. But this book reveals that the ecumenical movement is nothing more than a smokescreen, hiding the Vatican's real intent, to stamp out religious freedom and rule the world.

On the folklore of Comet Hale-Bopp
astronomical millenialism, coming to a solar system near you.

Hale-BOPP, and Hail, BO PeeP Heaven's Gate Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism Gary North. ISBN 0-930462-53-X

Inside Flap: Here is a simple. straighforward idea which has implications you probably never dreamed of: there are unexplained events in this world. There are events that cannot, by their very nature, be explained by the standards of contemporary rationalistic science. UFOs, telepathy, demonic healings, accurate predictions of future happenings: these events really happen, and few men can simply push them aside by attributing their orIgin to the random events in a chance-created world. Science has tried to hide them for centuries, but these and other "irrational" happenings are creeping out of the closet to challenge the sacred cows of rationalism. There may be future "logical" explanations, but the best one is probably the simplest: evil, supernatural and highly personal powers are hard at work in today's computer world. Unholy Spirits demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt the active existence of demonic forces in our rational, humanistic 20th century. What is even more unnerving, however, is Dr. Gary North's argument that the fundamentals of humansim [sic] are identical with the basics of Satanism. This is not to say that all humanists are demonists. But it does mean that a commitment to the philosophy of humanism is no longer a shield against the demonic. It does not prevent men from dabbling in the occult or even embracing it. Nor does it prevent a radical new class of scientists from opening up a Pandora's box of satanic experimentation which could change the way that you live. As C. S. Lewis' demon, Screwtape, wrote to his nephew Wormwood in The Screwtape Letters, when the materialists believe in demons but not in God, the battle is over.